A healthy lawn starts with Future Lawn
Spring 2023
Dear Valued Client,
Since our humble beginning in 1996 and with your ongoing patronage, we have been able to grow our lawn care division “Future Lawn” into what it is today.
As most of you may know, we also own and operate Platinum Irrigation and Ground Effects Landscapes. Our son Brent is stepping into the role of acting General Manager within our organization as we slowly and carefully succession our way out – however, not completely.
With every transition always comes change. After 26 years in the lawn care profession, it is no longer a fit for the direction we wish to take. It is with bitter sweet feelings we are announcing the sale of our Future Lawn division to KNK Lawn Care, with their head office located in Port Elgin.
KNK has been providing lawn care in our area for the past 39 years. In 2017, Matt and Melissa Mulholland took over the business. Matt was no stranger to the lawn care business, having worked for many years for the previous owner while attending university. His company values, culture, and his vision to create the ultimate customer experience aligned with that of Future Lawn Inc. We know Matt is driven to produce the best quality lawns and we are confident his experienced team will provide you with the great service you are accustomed to with Future Lawn Inc.
Our office staff will be assisting with the transfer of the business to make sure the transition happens as smoothly as possible. Calling 519-364-3608, option 1, will connect you directly to their office should you have any questions. Alternatively, you can email them at info@knklawncare.com We encourage you to visit the KNK Lawn Care website at www.knklawncare.com to learn more about their company.
Going forward, we will continue to grow our Ground Effects Landscapes and Platinum Irrigation divisions as Brent takes the lead role with Dad and Mom guiding in a more background role.
We are confident, with Matt’s priority for customer satisfaction, you are in good hands with KNK Lawn Care. Matt has asked us to include a letter directly from him as well.
We truly have appreciated your patronage over the past 26 years.
Thank you sincerely,
Tim and Donna Kraemer
Located in Hanover, ON, we provide lawn care programs, core aeration, top dressing, fertilization, weed and insect control. We service Grey, Bruce and Huron Counties as well as the Lake Huron Shoreline.
Our other affiliated divisions include; Platinum Irrigation, which installs and services in ground sprinkler systems, since 1999, and our unrivalled, design - build landscape division, Ground Effects Landscapes.